ProJared Wiki

Jared and his friends Josh and Austin are playing D&D. Part 1 is here.

D&D: Lost Mines of Phandelver - Part 2
Upload Date September 16th 2014
Series D&D: Lost Mines of Phandelver



Jared, Josh and Austin pick up where they left off playing D&D. The trio approach and enter a village. The town has their own problems. They are deciding whether they should help the people they find there, as they may not be able to get what they want out of this town if they do, but they may get a reward.

They spend some time looking around a house containing goblins. They come across a bridge and there are goblins nearby. Josh wants to try and sneak up on him. Jared and Josh need to draw the layout of the bridge so they can figure out what they should do. He ends up trying to pull the goblin off the bridge and get Diath to stab it with a dagger. The goblin is thrown off and a loud snapping sound is heard.

They take a long time to realize that Josh should just pull the other two up with a rope. They try to sneak up on a group of goblins but screw up horribly. They fight them, and take them out, by stabbing them and throwing them off a cliff.
