ProJared Wiki

The party fight themselves, need to pray really hard to move a statue, and Jared beats the game.

FINALE ¦ Sweet Home #13
Upload Date October 23rd 2017
Series Sweet Home



Jared needs four items, one of which he ditched somewhere. He checked his footage, and found where the amulet was left. A candle is placed onto a statue, opening a door. Jared thinks he just needs to have all the items he needs now, since all the doors should be open. Jared uses a pick to cross the ice, and grabs the last candle.

Jared realizes that he can pick up the baby coffin, but not the adult coffin. Jared informs the viewer to takes notes on everything you do when playing this game! Jared puts the second candle into the statue after saving the game. The third candle also fits, and they are all lit - but nothing happens. Jared struggles to work out what he has to do after the candles are lit. Jared thinks he just isn't praying hard enough, and finds Asuka can pray harder. It works. The statues collapse, revealing another path.

Jared tries to run away from spirits, but gets stuck in a corner. There are spirits everywhere! Jared discovers that he can hide. Jared is confused when he finds himself with a battle with Akiko. Jared decides to kill her to find out what happens.

Evil Akiko deals poison damage instead of healing. Suddenly, Jared finds Taguchi. Jared wonders if there is any meaning to them fighting themselves. Jared thinks he is up to the final fight. Jared attacks the spirit. No more suffering! Mamiya is shown that she has been dead for 30 years. Lady Mamiya transforms into her true form! More intense music plays. The party all pray to it.

Jared defeats Lady Mamiya. Yamamura sacrificed himself, and Jared is surprised when it is discovered that he was the husband. The credits roll.

Jared is glad that he only had to look up one thing - and is glad he did. Jared was impressed by the final boss fight where he had to show Mamiya the items rather than brawl. Everyone leaves, and the mansion crumbles. The man with half a face appears at the end. Jared wonders if he screwed up and there are multiple endings. He is confused by what just happened.

Jared was very surprised by this game. It was better than what he was hoping for. It was not easy for an SNES game to achieve. Jared wishes the battles were better, and were more dangerous, as they were just annoying. Jared believes he would have had a different ending if one of the party members died.
