ProJared Wiki

This is the first, but not the last time that Jared comes face to face with the burden of Burden.

The Rules Suck
Upload Date May 30th 2013
Series FireRed Nuzlocke

Pokémon Caught Failed: Growlithe (Route 7, Lv 16), Snorlax (Route 12, Lv 30)
Deaths Xanatos (Lv 26)
Starting team Oh,he (Lv 30), Nuptup (Lv 27), Jeflump (Lv 29), Xanatos (Lv 26), Wepler (Lv 19)
Ending team Oh,he (Lv 30), Nuptup (Lv 29), Jelflump (Lv 30), Wepler (Lv 23)
Badges 4
Locations Pokémon Tower, Lavender Town, Route 7, Route 12, Saffron City, Route 16


Jared continues to face Rocket Grunts in Pokémon Tower. A Rattata kills Xanatos with a critical hit Hyper Fang! Jared begins to weep. He heads back to the Pokémon Center to release Orn and Xanatos. He says that he had high hopes for Xanatos. Jared feels like he can't go on, but he does anyway!

Jared is on Route 7, and he wants to level up Wepler. Jared gets excited when he sees that Wepler has a chance to take out a Pikachu. Jared gets into the grass and finds a Growlithe. Wepler gets its health really low, but Growlithe uses Roar, and ends the fight! Jared yells at it, and Jared can't get Growlithe! Sometimes the rules suck.

Jared finds the Snorlax on Route 12, and wakes it up. Snorlax attacks. Jared plans on putting it to sleep, but Nuptup's attack missed. Snorlax uses a berry to wake up, and Nuptup is dealt a large amount of damage. Nuptup barely survives, and Jared is forced to use a hyper potion. Nuptup keeps on missing while Snorlax uses Yawn.

Jared send out Jeflump to confuse the Snorlax. Jeflump gets a critical hit, and Snorlax is soon defeated. Jared starts laughing after Snorlax just heads back to the mountains. Jared didn't catch Snorlax because it is stupid.

Jared is in Saffron, and has to go down Cycling Road. He enters a fight with a level 28 Weezing who keeps using smokescreen. Jared is annoyed by a second Weezing, and Nuptup is almost killed by a critical hit. Jared is worried about losing Nuptup. Jared tries to sneak past the cycling guys, while singing the Metal Gear theme.
