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Jared looks focused as he plays Pocky & Rocky. PeanutButterGamer appears behind him and plays too. PeanutButterGamer is the one that says that "We're playing Pocky & Rocky", and startles Jared.

Pocky & Rocky
Upload Date February 12th 2013
Series ProReview

Score A kitten goblin out of 10.


The pair state that the game is deceptive. It looks cute and cuddly on the outside, but on the inside, there is a goblin-demon (they can't agree on whether it is a goblin or demon so they go with both). Jared played this game as a kid, but never beat it - and PBG has never played it.

Pocky & Rocky is really hard. Jared and PBG introduce the game and both enjoy how the game looks. PBG finds Rocky's 'booty shake' to be sexy. Jared and PBG find that in multiplayer, lunging at each other makes the characters fly all over the screen, and Jared and PBG have a lot of fun with it.

There are only two power ups, but because of the games difficulty, it never gets tired as the powers get weaker as the characters take damage. 

Usually a fat man will pop out and give health and items if he is found, but once they found an old lady, which allowed Jared to ride on a cat. This makes PBG so jealous that he lunges at Jared, pushing him off a cliff. PBG then laughs and Jared steals a life.

Since enemies come from all over the screen, the game requires good reaction times, as well as awareness of everything that is going on. This makes the game very challenging. The amount of death traps after the third level are ridiculous. This gives the game more variety rather than just fighting bosses.

PBG likes the story because it doesn't make any sense, and Jared and PBG give voices to the characters (and Jared uses a hilarious female voice for Pocky). PBG is confused by the story and doesn't know whether Rocky is a raccoon or a goblin. Jared discusses some of the weird enemies in the game.

PBG talks through the first two bosses. The second one lies because he says he will give them information, but then doesn't say anything once he is defeated. Jared says that it is because they killed him. The final boss (Black Mantle) is tough to beat. Eventually, they won with teamwork (or sliding around trying not to get hit).

Pocky & Rocky looks cute, but it is very difficult. It isn't a bad thing as it is challenging with its simple gameplay. It is an enjoyable shoot-em-up. PBG comments that the ending was pleasant too. This is followed by a scene of PBG and Jared yelling in panic. It cuts back to a terrified Jared and PBG, who then scream.
