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Jared investigates the ship as Mia, and blows up monsters.

Seeing the Truth ¦Resident Evil 7 #14
Upload Date February 20th 2017
Series Resident Evil 7



Jared watches the video tape. Jared points out the test subject number and the "Super" VHS tape. Mia is a super agent or something, and she has a gun. Mia is on the second floor of the ship. Mia is wearing the watch Ethan had. Jared wonders if collecting items in the past removes them from the future like it does in Chrono Trigger.

Mia is way hotter now that Jared knows she is a secret agent. Jared investigates and finds a monster to shoot, and closes the door on it. Jared sees the girl he needs to track down. He tempts the elevator to have something in it. There was a monster on the ceiling. The elevator was surprisingly quick! Jared is attacked by another monster. He is finding plenty of herbs along the way. Jared finds remote bombs!

Jared comes across another monster that has to take a long path to get to Jared, and is killed before it can make it. Jared points out that he is missing a lot of bubbleheads. Jared finds corrosives to destroy doors. Jared wants to see what happens when he blows up a door. He comes across Evie calling Mia mom. Jared goes back to blow up the door, and finds more bombs and corrosives.

He decides to destroy more doors as spooky noises play. Jared is concerned by the number of explosives he is getting. He now has 8! Jared comments on his weird looking hand. Jared comments on how this is clearly not the VHS tape that he is playing in right now. Evelin slams a door in front of Mia. Jared warns the corpses to stay dead.

Jared places down a bomb for one of the monsters. It survives without its legs, and takes a long time to die. Jared kills more monsters in a hallway with his gun and bombs. Mia is trapped in an elevator, but forces it open. Jared thinks that Alan was leaving all the messages. Jared has more bullets then a monster has 'arm to block his face'.

Jared finds Alan, who is still dying. Alan is taking over by Evelin. Jared gets to the start of the game, where Mia is recording the message to Ethan. Jared wonders how he can send the video to Ethan. The condition of the ship is getting worse. Mia falls out of the ship - and everyone dies.

Jared should have shot more as he had a lot of bullets left. Jared comments on the 90's feel of the game. Mia talks to Eveline. Eveline disappears, and Jared wonders why it is always the kids who are the most terrifying. Jared wonders who the final boss will be. Jared finds more machine gun ammo, and wants his gun. Jared will go up to the next floor on the next episode.
